The e-commerce landscape has a variety of platforms designed to help businesses establish and grow their online presence. Among these, Magento and Adobe Commerce stand out as two robust and versatile options. Whilst they are closely related, they serve different needs and offer distinct features. This article will explore the differences between Magento and Adobe Commerce, helping you decide which platform is best suited for your business.

Magento: An Overview

Magento, first released in 2008, is an open-source e-commerce platform. It quickly gained popularity due to its flexibility, scalability, and extensive customisable options. Magento is known for its robust architecture, which allows developers to create tailored solutions that meet specific business requirements.

Key Features of Magento

Open-Source Platform: One of the most significant advantages of Magento is its open-source nature. This means the source code is freely available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. Businesses can customise their online stores, adding unique features and integrations.

Extensive Customisation: Magento offers unparalleled customisation options. With thousands of extensions and themes available, businesses can create a unique shopping experience that aligns with their brand identity.

Scalability: Magento is designed to handle everything from small online stores to large enterprises with high traffic volumes. Its’ robust architecture supports scalability, allowing businesses to grow without changing platforms.

Community Support: The Magento community is vast and active. This means extensive resources, including forums, tutorials, and third-party developers, are available to help solve problems and innovate new solutions.

Advanced SEO Capabilities: Magento includes a range of SEO features out-of-the-box, such as URL structure optimisation, meta-tag management, and more. Helping businesses improve their search engine rankings as a result.

Adobe Commerce: An Overview

Adobe Commerce, formerly known as Magento Enterprise, is the enterprise version of the Magento platform. After Adobe acquired Magento in 2018, Adobe Commerce was integrated into Adobe’s suite of digital experience solutions, enhancing its capabilities and aligning it with Adobe’s other enterprise products.

Key Features of Adobe Commerce

Enterprise-Level Solution: Adobe Commerce is designed for large businesses that require advanced features and dedicated support. It includes all the functionalities of Magento, with additional enterprise-grade capabilities.

Cloud Hosting: Adobe Commerce offers a cloud hosting solution that ensures high availability, performance, and security. This managed service reduces the burden on IT teams and ensures the platform runs smoothly.

Advanced Reporting: Adobe Commerce includes advanced reports allowing businesses to gain insights into customer behaviour, sales trends, and inventory management, helping them to make informed decisions.

Personalisation and Customer Segmentation: Adobe Commerce leverages Adobe Sensei, Adobe’s artificial intelligence and machine learning technology, to provide personalised shopping experiences. This includes product recommendations, personalised content, and targeted promotions based on customer behaviour.

Integrated Marketing Tools: Adobe Commerce integrates seamlessly with other Adobe products, such as Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Target, and Adobe Analytics. This integration allows businesses to create a cohesive and effective digital marketing strategy.

Key Differences Between Magento and Adobe Commerce

Target Audience

Magento: Best suited for small to medium-sized businesses and developers who want a flexible and customisable platform. Its open-source nature makes it an ideal choice for businesses with specific needs that require extensive customisation.

Adobe Commerce: Designed for larger enterprises that need a robust, scalable solution with enterprise-grade features. Adobe Commerce is perfect for businesses looking for advanced capabilities and integration with other Adobe products.


Magento: Being an open-source platform, Magento is free to use. However, businesses will incur costs related to hosting, development, maintenance, and extensions. The overall cost can vary based on the level of customisation and needs of the business.

Adobe Commerce: Adobe Commerce comes with a licensing fee. This fee includes cloud hosting, advanced features, and dedicated support. The total cost is higher than Magento, but it offers higher value through its enterprise features and services.


Magento: Users need their own hosting. This can be an advantage for businesses that want control over their hosting environment but can also be a disadvantage for those who lack technical expertise.

Adobe Commerce: Provides a cloud-based hosting option, as well as allowing business to use their own hosting. This managed service means businesses do not have to worry about the technical aspects of hosting.

Support and Maintenance

Magento: Support is primarily community-driven, with documentation and forums available. Businesses can hire third-party developers or agencies for support and maintenance.

Adobe Commerce: Comes with dedicated support from Adobe, including 24/7 technical support, proactive monitoring, and regular updates. This level of support is crucial for enterprises that need reliable and timely assistance.

Features and Integrations

Magento: Offers a wide range of features and supports numerous integrations through extensions and custom development. However it lacks some of the advanced features found in Adobe Commerce.

Adobe Commerce: Includes all the features of Magento, plus additional enterprise-grade capabilities like advanced analytics, personalisation, and seamless integration with other Adobe products. These features are designed to meet the needs of a larger businesses.

Which Platform is Right for Your Business?

The choice between Magento and Adobe Commerce depends on various factors, including the size of your business, your technical expertise, budget, and specific business needs.

Choose Magento if: You are a small to medium-sized business with technical expertise or access to developers, and you need a highly customisable and scalable platform without the need for enterprise-level features and support.

Choose Adobe Commerce if: You are a large enterprise with a substantial budget, looking for a robust, scalable solution with advanced features, dedicated support, and integration with other Adobe products.


Both Magento and Adobe Commerce are powerful e-commerce platforms with unique strengths. Magento offers flexibility and customisation for businesses that need a tailored solution, while Adobe Commerce provides a comprehensive enterprise solution with advanced features and support. By understanding the differences between these platforms, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals and resources.

Our company specializes in Magento and Adobe Commerce, Get in touch with our team for expert advice and guidance on your e-commerce journey.